World Corn Production 2015/2016

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This month the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that the World Corn Production 2015/2016 will be 987.1 million metric tons, around 2.19 million tons less than the previous month’s projection.

Corn Production last year (*) was 1001.74 million tons. This year’s 987.1 estimated million tons could represent an increase of 14.63 million tons or a 1.46% in corn production around the globe.

Corn Production by Country

(Values in Metric Tons)

United States: 343,678,000

China: 229,000,000

Others: 96,254,000

Brazil: 77,000,000

EU-27: 65,773,000

Ukraine: 26,000,000

Argentina: 25,000,000

India: 23,500,000

Mexico: 23,500,000

South Africa: 13,500,000

Russia: 13,000,000

Canada: 12,300,000

Indonesia: 9,600,000

Philippines: 8,300,000

Nigeria: 7,000,000

Ethiopia: 7,000,000

Serbia: 6,700,000

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